Published Sep 8, 2015


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Sara Ortells Badenes



The birth of infotainment has produced different changes within the treatment of broadcasted news. Its establishment is linked to the rise of soft news, and to the transformation of the treatment of hard news. It also affects the style used to report the news.

This paper is focused exclusively on determining the formal features of live television news magazines based on infotainment. A quantitative content analysis was applied to four different infotainment TV magazine programs. Main results show that live connections, camera movements and quickly video editing techniques are the bases of the audiovisual language used by this new generation of programs.


infotainment, recording technics, editing technics, news formats, live news magazinesinfoentretenimento, técnicas de gravação, técnicas de edição, formatos de notícia, magazine de atualidade ao vivoinfoentretenimiento, técnicas de grabación, técnicas de edición, formatos de noticia, magazín de actualidad en directo

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How to Cite
Ortells Badenes, S. (2015). Television news magazines based on infotainment: new features of the audiovisual language in broadcast journalism. Signo Y Pensamiento, 34(66), 44–61.