Published Dec 10, 2015


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Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez Ruíz

Laura D. López Peinado

Luis Felipe González - Gutiérrez



This article describes and analyzes the transmedia experience of the research project “Simulator IC, a transmedial test scenario for the simulation of collective intelligence”, in which the ability of four fictional artifacts was explored, —literary text, comic, videogame and role-playing game— generated from the transmediation of a literary source to develop sensitivity in resolving problems with characteristics linked to collective intelligence. The research method was mixed, with a main qualitative component and a quantitative one —observational methodology—.

When a measurement of the collective intelligence gradient of the participants was performed upon contact and interaction with various problem simulation strategies —artifact combination according to a specific experimental design—, it was found that the complete transmedia experience, ie. Interaction with the four artifacts, enhances the effects and benefits the simulation with individual artifacts.


transmedia narratives, collective intelligence, cyberculture, simulation, fictionnarrativas transmídia, inteligência coletiva, cibercultura, simulação, ficçãonarrativas transmedia, inteligencia colectiva, cibercultura, simulación, ficción

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Ruíz, J. A., López Peinado, L. D., & González - Gutiérrez, L. F. (2015). Transmedia Narrative as an Experience of Collective Intelligence Simulation. The case of Atrapados (Trapped). Signo Y Pensamiento, 34(67), 60–74.