Published Apr 19, 2012


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Wolfgang Donsbach



Despite its roots in ancient rhetoric communication as an academic field and discipline has a relatively young history. Starting in the first half of the 20th century it has seen an enormous growth over the last 10-30 years. However, the field has still not fully found its identity and borders. There are many reasons for this, among them are: an object that is almost without boundaries, an ongoing diversification and specialization of the field, the characterization of communications as an “integrative” or “synopticaldiscipline” which uses theories and methods from other disciplines,epistemological and methodological debates, and 4 the loss of normative orientation which helps to identify relevant research or “research in the public interest”. 


Communication, Communication Research, Social Science, Epistemology, Methodology, Interdiscipline, Communication Norms.Comunicación, Investigación en Comunicación, Ciencias Sociales, Epistemología, Metodología, Interdisciplina, Normas de la Comunicación.Comunicação, Pesquisa de comunicação, Ciências Sociais, Epistemologia, Metodologia, Interdisciplinar, Normas de Comunicação.

Beniger, J. R. (1993). Communication—Embrace the subject, not the field. Journal of Communication, 43(3), 18–25.

Craig, R. T. (1999). Communication theory as a field. Communication Theory, 2, 119–161.

Devitt, M. (1991). Realism and truth. Cambridge, U.K.: Blackwell.

Lazarsfeld, P. F. (ed.) (1972). Administrative and critical communications research. In Qualitative analysis. Historical and critical essays (pp. 155–167). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Littlejohn, S. W. (1982). An overview of contributions to human communication theory from other disciplines. In F. E. Dance (ed.), Human communication theory: Comparative essays, (pp. 243–286). New York: Harper & Row.
How to Cite
Donsbach, W. (2012). The Identity of Communication Research. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(60), 18–29.