Published May 28, 2012


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Lucia Santaella



We often remember the last quarter of the 20th century as a period of unprecedented changes in terms of the extent, purpose and pace of historical transformation. Thus, the only certainty we have about the future is that it will be very different from our present and that it will run faster than ever. The reason behind all of this is technological revolution, an idea that has become commonplace in the so-called technoculture era. In fact, the transformation speed experienced by technological means of language and communication production is impressive. Since the invention of photography, we have already achieved the 5th generation of communication technologies. This paper aims at introducing briefly the five technological generations we know so far.


Communication technologies, Terabytes, Cloud computing, Social networks, Web 3.0., Internet of things.Tecnologías comunicacionales, Terabytes, Computación en nube, Redes sociales, Web 3.0., Internet de las cosas.Tecnologias comunicacionais, Terabytes, Computação em nuvem, Redes sociais, Web 3.0., Internet das coisas.

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How to Cite
Santaella, L. (2012). Current Affairs and Future Trends in Technoculture. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(60), 30–43.