Published Apr 15, 2010


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Josias Ricardo Hack



This article demonstrates the importance of dialogical communication between the parties involved in the teaching and learning process in the context of distance higher education, a factor that leads the tutor to reflect on the communicational process adopted in his teaching practice. For this purpose, some experiences and the results of the tutor's performance are analyzed in a pilot project carried out in the Portuguese Literature Degree in the modality of distance education, offered since 2008 by the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Under the conception of the project, the tutor acts as a mediator between the teachers, the students and the institution. It plays an auxiliary role in the teaching and learning process to clarify content doubts, reinforce learning, collect information about students and support to maintain and increase student motivation.


Communication process, Long distance education, Tutorial.Proceso comunicacional, Educación a distancia, Tutoría.Processo comunicacional, Educação a distância, Tutoria.

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How to Cite
Hack, J. R. (2010). Dialogical communication in distance higher education: The importance of the tutor. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(56), 114–123.