Published Jul 25, 2022


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Xabier Martínez Rolán

María Isabel Míguez González

Juan Manuel Corbacho Valencia



This article addresses the variety of functions that social networks fulfill in the context of health. Facebook continues to be the social network with most users worldwide, which is why it is the object of analysis of the official accounts of public health agencies of five countries of the European Union. The objective of the study is to identify how these European health institutions communicate by analyzing their profiles with almost 2,000 posts in 2017. Notable differences in volume and rate of publications by country as well as in levels of engagement were found. Audiovisual contents are predominant and a general coincidence in terms of the main pathologies communicated from the official accounts was observed. However, a common pattern in terms of engagement was not detected, indicating therefore that – in terms of health, contents are marked by national agendas.


eHealth, engagement, health communication, social networkseHealth, engagement, comunicación sanitaria, redes socialeseSaúde, engagement, comunicação em saúde, redes sociais

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How to Cite
Martínez Rolán, X., Míguez González, M. I., & Corbacho Valencia, J. M. (2022). Healthcare Communication in Social Networks: A European Institutional Perspective. Signo Y Pensamiento, 41.