Published Jun 22, 2022


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Luís Fernando Morales Morante



This study aims to explore, from a series of in-depth interviews, the perceptions and attitudes of Latino immigrants living in the United States about the meaning and uses of the thematic and audiovisual components shown in the Latin soap operas broadcast in that country. The results indicate in general a positive assessment of the use of these elements but nuanced by socio-cultural components such as the country of origin, the degree of nostalgia or their level of coupling to American culture. Proposals to improve the contents are suggested in response to these considerations and especially focusing on the expectations of second and third generations of emigrants.


Telenovela, Cultural studies, Television, MigrationTelenovela, Estudios culturales, Televisión, Migración

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How to Cite
Morales Morante, L. F. (2022). Latino DNA: cultural keys and imaginary of the telenovela in the border area. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(77).