Published Jun 24, 2020


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Luis Sebastián R. Rossi



Since the beginning of the 1990s, the notion of immateriality associated with digital realities will begin to crack. This paper presents an interpretative sketch that allows access to three discursive tendencies that have constructed different ways of thinking about the relations between digital realities and materialities in communication studies. Firstly, the study explores  discourses that, in contact with designing practices, have as center of their problematizations the embodied character of the production of meaning. Secondly, the research examines perspectives on the dynamics between hardware and software (material turn, media archeologies), while it addresses to works on the infrastructure of information and communication systems. Finally, the article inquires into the link between the materiality of media (milieux), information and digital objects, as well as their consequences for thinking about psychic and collective individuation in the context of contemporary capitalism.


interfaces; imágenes digitales; software; infraestructuras; medios (milieux).interfaces; digital images; software; infrastructures; media (milieux).

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How to Cite
R. Rossi, L. S. (2020). Notes on the relations between materialities and digital realities. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(76).