Published Dec 28, 2020


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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas



This paper discusses a digital prototype that explores the reciprocal modification between grassroots communities and digital artifacts and embodies hypotheses on how to enhance such modification. It shows the connections of this artifact with open, citizen and garage science movements, activist and research objects and the technopolitics of free open source software. It also considers design elements taken into account for the creation of the prototype (self-referentiality and boostraping), as well as methodological ones from the point of view of software as a craft, as a hypothesis and as a way of belonging and forming communities of practice.


investigación/creación; ciencia ciudadana; artefactos digitales; investigación basada en diseño; narrativas y visualización de datos.research/creation; citizen science; digital artifacts; design-based research; narratives and data visualization

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How to Cite
Luna Cárdenas, O. V. . (2020). Grafoscopio: a prototype/hypothesis to inquire about how can we change the digital tools that change us. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(77).