Published Dec 28, 2020


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Juan Fernando Gómez

Jorge Emiro Restrepo

Eleonora Parra Fernández



Communication strategies can be used to face problems that arise when oral interaction takes place in the classroom. This research has two objectives: firstly, to identify the communication strategies most used by A2 and B1 undergraduate students to cope with difficulties when speaking in English and, secondly, to describe differences in the frequencies of such strategies between both levels and genders. This corresponds to a quantitative and descriptive research, conducted under a cross-sectional design, with a sample of 542 students. Findings indicated that the attempt to think in English and, message reduction and alteration strategies were the most used by this sample. There was a difference between both levels in the accuracy-oriented strategies factor. Furthermore, males use social affective strategies more frequently, whereas females rely on message abandonment strategies.


Competencia comunicativa; conciencia lingüística; estrategias comunicativas; habilidad del habla; tareas comunicativasCommunicative competence; linguistic awareness; communication strategies; speaking skill; communicative tasks

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How to Cite
Gómez , J. F. ., Restrepo, J. E., & Parra Fernández, E. . (2020). Communication strategies to overcome speaking problems in a public university in Colombia. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(77).