Published Oct 18, 2023


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German Andres Santofimio Rojas



Approaching the rap of young indigenous Colombians has been an opportunity for emotional impact through their rhythms, life narratives, and stories; mobilizing and redefining understandings of indigeneity as contested stakes in their own conceptual misalignment. To do this, the policies of self-representation reflected in their musical proposals were addressed, the disputes that emerge from rap were identified, and the way they come into contact with them through emotions. As a result and initial contribution, IndianiRAP is theorized as an identity process that transcends binary and salvational conceptions of indigenous subjects categorized as pure and immovable.


emotional narratives, contact zone, self-representations, identity, IndianiRAPnarrativas emocionales, zona de contacto, autorrepresentaciones, identidad, IndianiRAPnarrativas emocionais, zona de contato, autorrepresentações, identidade, IndianiRAP

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How to Cite
Santofimio Rojas, G. A. (2023). Counter-Narratives of Indigenous Purity: IndianiRAP as an Opportunity to Feel, Provoke, and Intervene through Emotions. Signo Y Pensamiento, 42.