Published Nov 3, 2021

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Nelson Castellanos


This paper deals with the use of radio serial scripts as a historical source that allows the analysis of the ways in which both particular social groups and their daily problems were broadcast and represented from '950 to '970. This period was clearly characterized by the centrality of radio as mass media, and of radio melodrama as the main broadcast genre in Latin America and, of course, in Colombia. Qur purpose is to classify the different radio serial stories, after doing a topical description and critical assessment of their contents, in order to identify the typical ways in which women and family members were portrayed along with the conAicts relevant ro rural migration, social mobility, and social promotion

Historia de la radio, medios masivos, radionovelas, cultura letrada, cultura popularHistory of radio, mass media, radio serials, literate culture, popular cultu e.

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How to Cite
Castellanos, N. (2021). The price of sin: listening to radio serials in secret. Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(48), 91–104. Retrieved from (Original work published April 15, 2006)