Published Sep 23, 2024


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José Joaquín Montes Cruz

Carlos David Franco Forero



In this text we conduct an analysis of the media coverage surrounding the “panela patent,” positioning it as a noteworthy case study within the realm of public communication on science and technology. Our analysis includes the examination of a radio interview and the review of press articles published in digital media. We aim to present the historical context that elucidates the media’s interest in the patent application in Colombia, while also scrutinizing the assertions made by involved parties to ascertain their impact on perceptions and attitudes towards technology and innovation. We categorize these notions of technological change into two distinct rhetorical forms: The first form identifies and emphasizes the potential benefits of the patent for human health, recognizing its significant commercial value; conversely, the second form portrays the case as an act of privatization and appropriation of traditional knowledge through the process of patenting, thereby posing a threat to national panela producers. Our analysis delves into the parallels and disparities between this case and previous studies that have explored public engagement in an effort to resolve similar controversies, often resulting in outcomes that favour specific groups of stakeholders. By doing so, we shed light on the factors influencing the closure of such debates. Finally, we present our proposal on which the elements of these rhetorics and arguments could change and benefit crucial debates on appropriate technologies in Colombia.


Patents, Public Communication of Science and Technology, Social Studies of Science, Colombia, Panelapatentes, comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología, estudios sociales de la ciencia, Colombia, panela

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How to Cite
Montes Cruz, J. J., & Franco Forero, C. D. (2024). The Bittersweet Side of Raw Sugar Cane: Understandings of Technological Change in a Media Controversy Over a Patent. Signo Y Pensamiento, 43.
Dossier Communication + Science, Technology and Society