Published Sep 14, 2009

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Sergio Bolaños Cuéllar



This paper aims at discussing how it is possible to devise a translation ethics that allows for the analysis and description of the problem of translation fidelity within a theoretical framework that surpasses the traditional antinomy between free and literal translation. First, a historical review is made of fidelity as a locus communis present in some classical authors in translation studies. Then the two major trends in modern translation theory (linguistic and cultural/ literary) are described. In the linguistic approach the concept of equivalence is discussed as a correlation of translation fidelity and in the cultural approach several socio-cultural theories are reviewed.


Translation ethics, Translation as intercultural communication, Translation fidelity, Translation equivalence, Dynamic Translation Model (DTM)Ética da tradução, Tradução como comunicação intercultural, Fidelidade da tradução, Equivalência de tradução, Modelo de Tradução Dinâmico (MTD)Ética de la traducción, Traducción como comunicación intercultural, Fidelidad traductora, Equivalencia traductora, Modelo Traductológico Dinámico (MTD)

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How to Cite
Bolaños Cuéllar, S. (2009). Ethics in Intercultural Communication: The case of translation. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 108–123. Retrieved from