Published Sep 15, 2009

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Hernando Cruz Mesa



This article puts forth the perspective of an ethics for the web or web-ethics, which the author has identified while doing research in Colombia. The research work has dealt with education, management, design, communication, and use and retrieval of information in the web from 1998 to 2007, particularly the theoretical revision and critical analyses of a specific corpus of research work. These analyses have in turn lead to new questions and challenges related to the balance which must be found between the protection of essential rights such as freedom, or the cultural identity to which any citizen, social organization, or community is entitled, and the moral norms that an emerging ethics in the web is beginning to discern from everyday life and philosophical reflection.


Ethics, Information, Knowledge, Web, EcologyÉtica, Informação, Conhecimento, Network, EcologiaÉtica, Información, Conocimiento, Red, Ecología

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How to Cite
Cruz Mesa, H. (2009). Web-ethics from the Perspective of a Series of Social Research Projects. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 136–151. Retrieved from

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