Published Sep 15, 2009

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Antonio Dias de Figueiredo



This article synthesizes the learning acquired by the author through twenty years of experience in the fascinating task of teaching ethics to university students of technology. The author begins the text by pointing out the distinction between normative and ethical ethics of responsibility; it is openly in favor of the latter but defends its conciliation with the former, since they are the ones that predominate in the world where young professionals will act. Starting from this assumption, the rest of the article tries to explain how Kant's categorical imperative, Kohlberg's model of moral development and Floridi's proposals regarding the ethics of information can be put at the service of that conciliation.


Moral development, Ethics, Information ethics, Ethics in business, Information societyDesenvolvimento moral, Ética, Ética da informação, Ética do negócio, Sociedade da informaçãoDesarrollo moral, Ética, Ética de la Información, Ética en los negocios, Sociedad de la información

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How to Cite
Dias de Figueiredo, A. (2009). A teaching experience of the ethics to future professionals of information technology. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 152–162. Retrieved from