Published Sep 15, 2008

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María del Mar Agudelo Torres


Body building technologies are a set of technical objects and practices of sorts that, together with certain discourses and statements, contribute to the composition of subjectivities. Even when cosmetics are presented as an anatomic policy tool used to reconfigure and standardize people’s bodies, and at the same time, as a device that makes possible the impingement of the norms that regulate body building, our main goal is to deconstruct the vision of the body as a sort of ontological material prior to its contact with the world, and to stress the importance of technology, not as a mere artificial addition, but rather as a condition of possibility for the human being.

Body, subjectivity, technology, cyborg, anatomic policy.Cuerpo, subjetividad, Cyborg, Tecnología, Anatomopolítica

How to Cite
Agudelo Torres, M. del M. (2008). Defining the Indefinable: The Role of Body Building Technologies vis-à-vis the Problem of the Body as a Territory in Dispute. Signo Y Pensamiento, 27(53), 128–139. Retrieved from