Published Mar 16, 2021

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Federico Varona


Effective communication is one of the biggest challenges for companies and organizations today at both national and international (global) levels. The purpose of this article is to show the results of a study carried out by an international group of researchers who were interested in characterizing and comparing communicative behaviour of Finnish and Mexican employees when interacting with their bosses. The article includes the following: first, a brief theoretical framework; second, the methodology used; third, the results of the comparative statistical analysis between Finnish and Mexican employees; fourth, general conclusions and their cultural explanation; and fifth, theoretical and practical implications of the study concerning the communicative competences required for effective communication between employees and their bosses in both national and international (global) organizations.

Organizações, comportamentos comunicativos, comunicaçãoorganizations, communicative behaviours, communicationOrganizaciones, conductas comunicativas, comunicación

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How to Cite
Varona, F. (2021). Differences in the Communicative Style of Finnish and Mexican Employees when Interacting with their Bosses: a Comparative Study. Signo Y Pensamiento, 26(51), 137–149. Retrieved from (Original work published September 15, 2007)