Published Feb 5, 2021

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Ignacio Siles González


This paper aims to discuss the main tenets of cybernetics, a paradigmatic discipline in the development of communication science that defined the modern concept of information since the 1940s. To do so, the science of cybernetics, as envisioned by Norbert Wiener, is assessed and related to contemporary discourses about an information society, and the idea of the emergence of such a society as a new concept is demystified. Cybernetics is discussed as a way to enter the information society from the theoretical avenues built from the beginnings of communication as a scientific discipline.

cybernetics, information society, Norbert Wiener, entropy, feedbackCibernética, Sociedad de la Información, Norbert Wiener, 1894 - 1964

How to Cite
Siles González, I. (2021). Cybernetics and Information Society: the Return of an Eternal Dream. Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(50), 84–99. Retrieved from (Original work published April 15, 2007)