Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Research articles submitted to Signo y Pensamiento are subject to compliance with ethical principles contained in international standards regarding its scope of knowledge. If the research is based on experiments, authors must include information on the full compliance with ethical principles, informed consent by participants in the study and specific legislation in the cover letter addressed to de editor of the Journal. Moreover, authors must provide explicit evidence of protection of privacy, in order to safeguard the integrity of those who participated either in experiments or ethnographic research in which the context and/or characteristics of the individuals studied demand it so. 

Contributions must recognize as authors those who have made a substantial contribution to the design, collection, analysis of data and writing up of the article. All authors must approve the final version of the article to be published in Signo y Pensamiento. Research assistants and advisors participating in the process of research/writing up should be explicitly acknowledged within the article likewise.

Authors must describe the role of sponsors either in the design, data collection, interpretation, writing up of the report, or the decision of submit the article for publication. By submitting a contribution, the authors guarantee their freedom and independence against absolute control by the sponsor over the study, its supporting data or results.

Finally, Signo y Pensamiento will make every effort to avoid conflict of interest with regards to the articles submitted. Conflicts of interest exist when any participant in the process of publication has ties with activities which may distort its criteria to judge the selection of articles, or alternatively, because of personal relation- ships, rivalries or intellectual agendas. Participants in the process of revision and publication of the article will publish such information if they believe it is relevant to the readers of the journal.