Published Dec 28, 2020


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Gloria Gómez Diago



Paradigms are fundamental in research and even more when ignored, since they are taken for granted. With the aim of obtaining perspectives on the meanings and on the implications of paradigms in the field of communication; in a line of inquiry situated within meta-research in communication with a historical perspective and aimed at identifying the intellectual scaffolding that has been defining and that defines communication research; it has been performed a qualitative content analysis of three referent publications specialized in meta-research in communication: the two volumes of the Journal of Communication "Ferment in the field" (1983) and "The future of the field" (1983) and volume I of Rethinking Communication, entitled "Paradigm issues" (1989). From the analysis of these volumes, perspectives regarding the existence or not of paradigms in the field of communication have been obtained.


epistemología; historia de la investigación en comunicación; metainvestigación en comunicación; paradigmas; teoría de la comunicación.epistemology; communication theory; history of communication research; metaresearch in communication; paradigms.

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How to Cite
Gómez Diago , G. . (2020). Paradigms: meanings and proposals for communication research. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(77).