Published Feb 28, 2007

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Dean Brackley, S.J.



The present text comes from Central America, where all the suffering and the hopes of the whole continent are intensely felt. The author considers that this fact may contribute to the reflections that are being carried on in preparation for the 5th General Conference of CELAM, especially those based on the methodological perspective of seeing-judging-acting. Consequently, in the first part of this paper a glance is directed to the countries of the area, which the author explores with human ans Christian sensitivity. Then he goes on to propose a series of criteria which he considers central for passing a judgment on the reality that has been described under the light of faith. Finally he reflects on how the Church can respond to the suffering and injustices that afflict the majorities of Central America and the whole continent.


Seeing, judging, acting, Kingdom, evangelizationver, juzgar, actuar, reino, evangelización

How to Cite
Brackley, S.J., D. (2007). On the way to Aparecida: A Central American contribution. Theologica Xaveriana, (161). Retrieved from