Published Nov 28, 2016


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Rafael Luciani



This article refers to Jesus’ process of discernement in the midst of the diverse traditions of his time, process that was based on his spirituality as poor of Yahveh and as son of the land. The article will show how Jesus’ image of God arose from a creational theology that allows us to approach the issues that made an impact on Jesus’ followers: his basic options, his estrangement from the established religious and political expectations, his particular way of using the Scripture and of praying from it, the image of God that he followed, and the scandal produced by his choice in favor of the victms and the poor.


Yahweh, Filiation, Poor, Christology, CreationYahveh, filiación, pobres, cristología, creación

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How to Cite
Luciani, R. (2016). The Discernmet of Jesus as Poor of Yahveh and as Son of the Land. Theologica Xaveriana, 66(182).