Published Jun 15, 2017


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Ilaria Vigorelli



The article addresses the heart of the debate between Basil and Eunomius, pausing to analyze the Bishop of Caesarea’s response to the two ways presented in Eunomius’ subordinationism arguments. We will focus on the occurrences of σχέσις in Basil’s Adversus eunomium, showing how his attention to the relation present in the revealed divine names is not simply a question of naming theory, but opens the door to a relational metaphysics, which in turn will pave the way for the full formulation of the trinitarian dogma.


σχέσις (schesis), Basil of Caesarea, Eunomius, Relationσχέσις (schesis), Basilio di Cesarea, Eunomio, relazione, ontologia trinitaria

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How to Cite
Vigorelli, I. (2017). Basil of Cesarea and his Attention to Relation (σχέσις) in the Trinitarian Debate with Eunomius. Theologica Xaveriana, 67(183).