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Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga



Colombian situation includes the relation, at times a tense one, between Church, State and politics. Beyond the national fact, one must raise the question: how is this relation to be understood? The acting and thinking of Benedict XVI offers us an answer to it. The Church offers the service of ethical enlightenment to the
State, which often, as the history of the twentieth century shows, is tempted to accept the lesser evil at the price of tolerating ethical transgressions. The Church, on the other side, must overcome the temptation of illicit silence in front of it and be faithful to its prophetical mission


Church, politics, State, ethics, humankindIglesia, política, Estado, ética, humanidad

BENEDICTO XVI, “Carta al presidente del Senado Marcello Pera con ocasión del convenio de Norcia ‘Libertad y Laicidad´.”
BENEDICTO XVI, Carta encíclica Deus caritas est, Ciudad del Vaticano, 2005.
CIVILTÀ CATTOLICA, “Editoriale: Sui recenti attacchi contro il preteso ‘silenzio’ di Pio XII sugli ebrei”, Aprile, 2002.
IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL, The Lesser Evil, Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, Princenton University Press, Princenton, 2004.
LÓPEZ MICHELSEN, ALFONSO, “Los obispos en época electoral”, en diario El Tiempo, 19 de febrero de 2006, pp. 1-23 y 1-24.
MARDONES, JOSÉ MARÍA, Análisis de la sociedad y fe cristiana, Editorial PPC, Madrid, 1995.
MARDONES, JOSÉ MARÍA, Para un cristianismo de frontera, Editorial Sal Tarrae, 2000.
MARDONES, JOSÉ MARÍA, Recuperar la justicia, Editorial Sal Terrae, Santander, 2005.
MUCCI, GIANDOMENICO, “La missione di dichiarare i principi dell’ordine morale”, en Civiltà Cattolica, No. 3732, diciembre de 2005.
PIANA, GIANNINO, “Nel Segno della Giustizia”, en Questioni dei etica politica Ed. Dehoniane, Bologna, 2005.
PIZARRO, LEONGÓMEZ EDUARDO, Una democracia asediada, Editorial Norma, Bogotá, 2004.
PNUD, La democracia en América Latina, contribuciones para el debate,
Buenos Aires, 2004.
PNUD, La democracia en América Latina. Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos, Buenos Aires, 2004.
PONTIFICIO CONSEJO JUSTICIA Y PAZ, Compendio de la doctrina social de la Iglesia, Editorial Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia, Bogotá, 2005.
VATICANO II, Constitución Gaudium et spes.
How to Cite
Castro Quiroga, L. A. (2006). Church, State and politics. Theologica Xaveriana, (158). Retrieved from

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