Published Jan 18, 2019


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Matthias Grenzer

Francisca C. C. Suzuki



In the micronarrative of Ex 4:24- 26, Sephora, Moses’ wife, becomes a model for the protagonism of those characters who are generally evaluated as secondary, emphasizing their fundamental importance for the history of salvation. In the case,
Séfora surprises in several senses: literally, she gains centrality in the scene in question; historically, in defending the survival of those who are threatened and assuming protagonism as a woman, she might contradict eventual prejudices belonging to her cultural context; theologically, she is portrayed as one who obtains the consent of God.


Exodus, Sephora, Zipporah, narrative, secondary characterÊxodo, Séfora, narrativa, personagem secundária

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How to Cite
Grenzer, M., & C. C. Suzuki, F. (2019). In Defense of Her Husband: The Protagonism of Zipporah in Ex 4:24-26. Theologica Xaveriana, 69(187).