Published Jan 22, 2020


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Luis Orlando Jiménez, S. J.



This article starts by presenting the theological notion of “style” developed by Christoph Theobald, as a way of proceeding inspired by the Gospel. Then it sketches three semantic levels of the concept “style” that make it possible to relate Christian faith and human action, spirituality, and the transformation of the world in a novel way. The theological category of style assists the reader of Laudato si’ and Gaudete et exsultate in the interpretation of Pope Francis’ proposal to change our lifestyle. The lifestyle proposed by the Bishop of Rome is inspired by Jesus’ style: as a free exit from God’s self to inhabit the world.


Style, spirituality, action, Laudato si', Gaudete at exsultate, Pope Francisestilo, espiritualidad, acción, Laudato si', Gaudete et exsultate, papa Francisco

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How to Cite
Jiménez, S. J., L. O. (2020). “Style” as a Key Theological Concept to Understand Laudato si’ and Gaudete et exsultate: A Way of Finding God in a Human Action that Transforms the World. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.