Published Feb 6, 2020


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Véronique Lecaros



The author analyzes the relationship between belief in God and enchantment in the Peruvian and, in general, in the Latin-American context. Concepts elaborated in secularized regions by Congar, Kasper, Taylor, Vattimo, Casanova and Berger, among others, must be redefined to be applied in countries which enter nowadays simultaneously in modernity and post-modernity. The author studies the situation using data from various polls and from a recent qualitative investigation on lived religion (2015-2017). She concludes: God’s existence is a “strong belief” for Limenians but the content of belief in God is “weak”, and it changes easily according to circumstances.


Secularization, belief in God, enchantment and post-modernity, Christianity in Latin America, religious belonging, PeruSécularisation, croyance en Dieu, enchantement et postmodernité, christianisme en Amérique Latine, appartenances religieuses, Pérou

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How to Cite
Lecaros, V. (2020). God’s Existence, an Obvious Fact in Latin America?. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.