Published Mar 10, 2021


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Christopher Michael Hays



This article fuses critical exegesis with socio-political reflection to show how a challenging tension in Scripture can nurture nuanced responses to social crises. Beginning with an intertextual study, it is identified that Lk 17:27-28 alludes to and subverts Jer 29:5-7. It is noted that the activities that Jer 29 entrusts to the exiles in Babylon (planting, building, marrying and giving in marriage) are the same activities criticized by Lk 17, and that there are other similarities between Lk 17 and Jer 32 and 35, all of which reveals that Luke intends to contrast the situation of his audience with that of the exiles in Babylon, and thus proposes a different ethic for the disciples of his time. Although the prophet encouraged his exiled readers to devote themselves to economic and family development in Babylon, the evangelist warns against worldly concerns that hinder their commitment to the Kingdom. The author proposes that this intracanonical tension facilitates a differentiated approach to two current migratory crises, applying Jeremiah’s perspective to encourage the victims of forced displacement in Colombia to put down roots in their places of arrival, and using Lk 17 to criticize the U.S. deportation of undocumented migrants. This differentiated hermeneutic approach is justified through a study of Luke’s writing activity (transforming the teachings of Mt 24 and Mk 13 about the parousia event into exhortations about how to live ethically before the parousia) and of Jeremiah’s ethical polyphony (which is evident in the divergent lifestyles affirmed by Jer 16:2-4; 29:6; 35:6-7). It is argued that this multifaceted morality fits in with a balanced New Testament vision that characterizes Christians as both exiles and citizens (Heb 11:13-14; 1Pt 2:1).


Luke, Jeremiah, Biblical ethics, Political interpretation, Redaction criticism, Intertextuality, Forced displacement, MigrationLucas, Jeremías, ética bíblica, interpretación política, crítica de la redacción, intertextualidad, desplazamiento forzoso, migración

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How to Cite
Hays, C. M. . (2021). Seek the Welfare of the City or Walk Away as it Burns? A Political and Intertextual Reading of Jer 29 and Lk 17 in Relation to the Migratory Crises of the 21st Century. Theologica Xaveriana, 71.