Published Feb 16, 2023


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Darío Martínez Morales



This article reclaims the memory and narrates the life of the Catholic priest Tiberio Fernández. It aims to make visible the invisible in rupture with the oblivion that a certain dominant historical logic casts on the victims relegated by the maintenance of the “established order”. It also attempts to recover and rebuild his life, his social activism, his Christian commitment, his martyrdom, and the injustice committed against his community and against him. The life of Tiberio Fernández is segmented into four periods. The first one attempts to rebuild the environment of his childhood and early youth despite the little information that we have about it; the second one shows us his training and his work at the Instituto Mayor Campesino (IMCA). At this point, it is important to remember this training center for the Colombian peasantry and to show the decisive influence that the cooperative organization model had on Tiberio, who promoted it with passion. The third period deals with his priestly preparation, his time at the National Seminary Cristo Sacerdote, in La Ceja (Antioquia), where he completed his studies in Philosophy (1970-1972), and his time with the School of Theology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, where he studied Theology (1974-1977). The fourth period offers a context of his work as a parish priest in the town of Trujillo, between 1985 and 1990. His pastoral work in Trujillo and his social promotion strategy based on cooperative organization became the target of violence unleashed between the leftist guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and narco-paramilitary groups in collusion with state agents. In the so-called “Trujillo massacre”, Tiberio and the members of many of the cooperative associations were bloodily murdered and their organizations destroyed. By presenting the injustice of the past, this text not only attempts to remember the life of the priest Tiberio Fernández, and all the victims who died with him, but further links that injustice to the current injustice, materialized in the stigmatization and murder of community leaders, human rights defenders, and social activists.


Memory, Instituto Mayor Campesino (IMCA), Cooperative organization, Trujillo (Cauca Valley), Armed conflictmemoria, Instituto Mayor Campesino (IMCA), organización cooperativa, Trujillo (Valle del Cauca), conflicto armado.

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How to Cite
Martínez Morales, D. (2023). Following the Memory of a Martyr: Tiberio Fernández Mafla’s Life. Theologica Xaveriana, 73.