Published Apr 11, 2023


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Patricia Milena Osorno Zuluaga



This article tries to demonstrate that Mk 16:1-8 is the effective ending that the author proposes to the reader by taking into account the communicative-pragmatic strategy. The article starts out by outlining the various hypotheses generated by Mk 16:1-8, a text that continues to be a crux interpretum for exegetes and hermeneuts alike. The above is evidenced, from very early on, in the corrections to which it has been victim: mutilations, attempts of harmonization and amplifications that tried to give a “happy ending”, to the Gospel of Jesus Messiah Son of God, a Good Announcement (Good News) with ἀρχή, but seemingly without a proper conclusion.
The hypothesis suggested is that the strategy of the author of the Gospel according to Mark is to leave the ending of his work open, in order to push the reader through the arduous passage from spectator to disciple. On the basis of the above, the questions formulated for the research are directed, as is typical of the communicative-pragmatic approach, to delineate the effects that Mark wants to achieve with his ending in the different types of readers, bearing in mind the fact that when an author sets a written work in motion, he does so by means of strategies that make the message he is trying to communicate feasible, comprehensible and effective. For this reason, when it comes to the end of the work, the moment of climax, it is essential to question and deepen the performative power of the semantic motifs that unite it. Finally, attention is paid to the way in which it is verified in each of the statements that the communication is directed towards reaching its “happy ending”. It is precisely at this point where it is argued that Mark presents, as a result of his strategy, an ending that is as paradoxical as it is paradigmatic.


Mark, Final, Discipleship, Exegesis, Semantic-motives, Communicative strategyMarcos, final, discipulado, exégesis, motivos semánticos, estrategia comunicativa

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How to Cite
Osorno Zuluaga, P. M. (2023). Mark: A Good Announcement with a Beginning, but without an End. Communicative Strategy of Mk 16:1-8. Theologica Xaveriana, 73.