“Where is Your God?” Notes for a Theological Reflection on History at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century
The question about how God’s talking and acting happen in history is not only the basis of any theological reflection and development (by passing through theology’s specialization fields, from the biblical to the fundamental, to the systematic, to the pastoral); it is also the basis of the whole Christian praxis because the crucial choice of the believer in face of his/her surrounding reality mainly depends on understanding how God acts in history. Consequently, based on the triad of heteronomy, autonomy, and theonomy, this
article proposes an approach to history as a theological location where the suffering and excluded people may be considered as a privileged room for a salvific encounter with Good.
theology of history, revelation, soteriology, theodicy, victimsTeología de la historia, revelación, soteriología, teodicea, víctimas