Published Nov 30, 2009

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Mario Gutierrez J., S.J.



The second Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI develops an upto- date vision of Christian hope. The present paper presents, in the first place, a general sight of the present theological context of hope: an active hope centered on Jesus’ Paschal mystery, as an anticipation of God’s future that engages us with history’s crucified people. In a second place, it offers a reading of the document on hope in the perspective of a sound dialectic with illustrated modernity. Finally, it shows how active hope is an impulse that motivates the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Active hope, Paschal mystery, dialectic, engagement, anticipationEsperanza activa, misterio pascual, dialéctica, compromiso, anticipación

How to Cite
Gutierrez J., S.J., M. (2009). Pope benedict xvi´s encyclical spe salvi in the dialectic of an active hope. Theologica Xaveriana, 59(168). Retrieved from