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Javier Quezada del Río



Some authors have expressed the idea that Dei Verbum –the Dogmatic Constitution of the II Vatican Council on Divine Revelation– as well as the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission on The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church juxtapose exegesis and theology, so that one cannot clearly perceive how the Bible –litteral sense– can be the soul of theology. After referring to some of them, the author of this paper mentions some features of the Catholic interpretation of the Bible. Later he poses the problem of whether –and in what sense– a Catholic exegesis is possible, and finally focuses on the question of what are the norms of actualization that The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church considers that the exegesis proposes to theology.


Bible, hermeneutics, interpretation, actualization, exegesisBiblia, hermenéutica, interpretación, actualización, exégesis

How to Cite
Quezada del Río, J. (2009). How can the bible be the soul of theology?T. Theologica Xaveriana, 59(167). Retrieved from