Published Feb 28, 2007

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Isabel Corpas de Posada



In the two thousand years of Christian history a double movement can be detected in relation to the Church ministries; from ministerial diversity in the New Testament church to the sacerdotalization of the ministries, and from clerical exclusivism to the diversification of ministries outlined by the Second Vatican Council. For this reason, the New Testament texts that depict the organization of the community, together with the
data from history and the documents of the conciliar and postconciliar Magisterium constitute the main ingredient for this research and theological reflection, which becomes a challenge for the 21st century Church: the diversity of the Church ministries to the service of the communion and mission of the Church.


Church ministries, priesthood,, ministeriality, sacerdotalization, sacrament of orderMinisterios eclesiales, sacerdocio, sacerdotalización, ministerialidad, sacramento del orden

How to Cite
Corpas de Posada, I. (2007). From clerical exclusivism to ministerial diversity: Apuntes para una teología de los ministerios eclesiales. Theologica Xaveriana, (161). Retrieved from