Published Jan 18, 2019


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Felipe Pardo



This article reviews the cosmology of the Prima Clementis in 19:2.20, 1-10, and places it in relation to aspects of Aristotle’s cosmology and the Septuagint. This cosmological analysis focuses on the concepts of movement, cause of movement, structure of the universe, and relationship of the world with the divinity. The reasons for the contact of the three cosmologies are, on the one hand, the chronological closeness of the author of the Prima Clementis with Quintilian, and on the other, the favorable reception of the Septuagint by the author of the Prima Clementis.


Cosmology, Prima Clementis, Quintilian, Aristotle, SeptuagintCosmología, Prima Clementis, Quintiliano, Aristóteles, Septuaginta

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How to Cite
Pardo, F. (2019). Analysis of 1Clem 19:2.20,1-10: Connections and Differences. Theologica Xaveriana, 69(187).