Published Nov 30, 2010


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Rosanna Elena Navarro Sánchez



Although Theology is born as the result of a contemplative experience, this extraordinarily peculiar feature has lost its ground in front of a theological elaboration more inspired in Western reason, which has been expressed and promoted by means of a variety of schools and centers of study. Recent theological reflection shows a revitalized interest in recovering its original source. This interest is strengthened by the movement started by communities and people oriented to spirituality and mysticism as horizons of meaning within
society. On the other hand, the understanding of the revelation in Torres Queiruga offers an interesting re-encounter landing strip for Theology and experience. From this perspective, a brief review of the understandings of mystical experience in three authors is presented, and at the end we can find some reflections and questions regarding the possibilities of such an experience as an approach to the theological work.


Theology, revelation, mystical experienceTeología, revelación, experiencia mística

How to Cite
Navarro Sánchez, R. E. (2010). Approaches to the theological work from the mystical experience. Theologica Xaveriana, 60(170).