Published Jun 5, 2016


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Germán Parra Gallego

Jei Alanis Bello Ramírez



This article proposes a reflection around the State punitive exercise with the purpose of making evident that the neoliberal project in Colombia –in progress since the late 20th century– has sustained itself on the expansion of the prison system as a strategy to control those social groups alienated by the market and the intersectionality matrixes of gender, race, class, and sexuality. We argument that in Colombian prisons a necropolitic field has been shaped, exposing those imprisoned to death thresholds, both physical and social. We develop this idea by means of a critical analysis of the reports on human rights in prisons – using interpretive categories of the black feminism such as the prison-industrial complex and intersectionality – to point out that in prisons a rationale beyond biopolitics takes place, establishing death and dehumanization as day-to-day elements of its workings.


Necropolítica, interseccionalidad, subjetividades cautivas, complejo industrial carcelario, Estado colombianonecropolitics, intersectionality, prison-industrial complex, Colombian Statenecropolítica, interseccionalidade, necropráticas, complexo industrial- prisional, Estado colombiano

How to Cite
Parra Gallego, G., & Bello Ramírez, J. A. (2016). Death Prisons: Necropolitics and the Prison System in Colombia. Universitas Humanística, 82(82).
Investigación Joven