Published Jun 5, 2016


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Ana Inés Mallimaci Barral



This work aims to be a contribution to the analysis of the employment transit of immigrating women in Buenos Aires, between care jobs, particularly from domestic work to nursing. Although there has been an important development of works delving into the relationship between nursing and immigration, most of them analyze the immigration of nurses in the context of globalization and their impact on health services of the origin and destination countries. This article is set in a different interpretive space as it analyzes the choice of nursing as a career by immigrant population already residing in Argentina. For this purpose we describe the historical specifics of immigration to Argentina and the role women had in them; also, we present some conceptual elements on the chosen notion of care. Finally, we present the first results of the research based on the analysis of the meaning of nursing as a care employment in Argentina, the rebuilding of its meaning as an employment valued from the perspective of immigrant women, and the durability of some stigmata which discredit the presence of immigrating women nurses.


immigration, care, nursing, gender, Argentinamigración, cuidados, enfermería, género, Argentinamigração, cuidados, enfermagem, gênero, Argentina

How to Cite
Mallimaci Barral, A. I. (2016). Immigration and Care. Nursing as an Employment Option for Immigrating Women in Buenos Aires. Universitas Humanística, 82(82).
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