Published Nov 24, 2015


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Juan Carlos Valencia

Claudia Magallanes


This article proposes a new emphasis on the research and educational work of the Latin American communication discipline in the study of communication practices and their close relationship with alterity and social change. The communication practices include the media dynamics and its mediations, and they go beyond including actions and everyday expressions of extraordinary richness and diversity associated to cultural networks and complex meanings. Those communication practices illustrate, expand and deepen the ceaseless efforts of creation, transformation, restoration and conservation of meanings, networks and relationships beyond the instrumental. They promote profound changes and the construction of alternatives to an unjust, destructive, colonial and exclusionary social order in Latin America. The study of the communicative practices for social change, especially in Latin America, opens opportunities to access other forms of knowledge and action alternative to modernity, such as comunalidad or good living.

practices, communication, Latin America, social changeprácticas, comunicación, Latinoamérica, cambio socialpráticas, comunicação, Latino-américa, mudança social

How to Cite
Valencia, J. C., & Magallanes, C. (2015). Communication practices and social change: potentia, action and reaction. Universitas Humanística, 81(81).