Published Dec 14, 2017


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Iván Emilio Montenegro Perini



This paper analyzes the extent to which peasants in an area of Guaviare (Colombian Amazon) were subjected to neoliberal ecotourism principles, and examines the socio-political effects related to the incorporation of environmental-business knowledge in their lives. I explore the adaptations and limits of neoliberal environmentality within the framework of ecotourism and the socio-ecological effects of its government technologies on peasants populations. I focus particularly on how these technologies are tailored to the interests of particular groups in the region, and how, through various il/legal mechanisms, ecotourism becomes functional to sophisticated dispossession strategies that peasants must face. On the one hand, I examine dispossessions in the name of conservation by blaming in peasants, and on the other hand, I approach the configuration of other subtler forms of dispossession that I have called politico-ontological dispossessions.


ecotourism, neoliberal governmentality, conservation, dispossessions, peasants, Amazoniaecoturismo, governamentalidade neoliberal, conservação, espoliação, camponeses, Amazôniaecoturismo, gubernamentalidad neoliberal, conservación, despojos, campesinos, Amazonia

How to Cite
Montenegro Perini, I. E. (2017). Ecotourism, Neoliberal Governmentality, and Dispossession in the Colombian Amazon. Universitas Humanística, (84).