Published Jun 1, 2009

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Jorge Eliécer Martínez Posada

Diego Alejandro Muñoz Gaviria



The study of social imaginaries and collective representations from a sociological perspective involves agencying interpretative exercises of image reconstruction, whether mental or pictorial images. Thus, the theoretical path followed in this text points to the understanding of social imaginaries and collective representations, as knowledge tradition socially constructed, and social images, which become historically symbolic points of reference of social action.


imaginarios sociales, representaciones colectivas, iconología, reconstrucción, sociomorfología, sociocibernética e imagenimaginários sociais, representações coletivas, iconologia, reconstrução, sócio-morfologia, sócio-cibernética e imagemsocial imaginaries, collective representations, iconology, reconstruction, sociomorphology, sociocibernetics and image

How to Cite
Martínez Posada, J. E., & Muñoz Gaviria, D. A. (2009). Theoretical-methodological approach to social imaginary and collective representations: Notes for a sociological understanding of image. Universitas Humanística, 67(67). Retrieved from

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