Black Populations and Identity Issues in Latin America
In this article, I explore the basis for black identity in Latin America. I begin with a general consideration of the position of black populations in the framework of Latin American nationalism, taking into account the transnational dimensions of this position and then analyzing in theoretical terms the tension between particularism and universalism in ideologies of nationalism and racism. In the second part of the article, I examine some concrete historical cases of Afrodescendent mobilization and/or opening towards racial diversity in order to evaluate these as bases for a Latin American black identity in general (the racial war in Cuba in 1912, the Frente Negra Brasileira of the 1930s, the Creoles in the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, the official multiculturalism of various Latin American countries in the 1990s, and the image of “Africa” as the basis for Afrodescendant identification).
afrodescendant identity, afro-Latins, black populationsidentidad afrodescendiente, afrolatinos, población negraidentidade afrodescendente, afrolatinos, população negra
How to Cite
Wade, P. (2008). Black Populations and Identity Issues in Latin America. Universitas Humanística, 65(65). Retrieved from