Published Mar 31, 2008

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Consuelo Uribe-Mallarino


This paper presents results from two research projects aimed at inquiring about socioeconomic stratification in Bogota from the perspective of its value as representation of social order and hierarchy. Although socioeconomic stratification was implemented as a targeting mechanism of subsidies for the poorest households with the objective to enable them to have domiciliary potable water, electricity, sewer, gas and telephone, the policy has deeply affected the way social differences are collectively evoked. Research results from projects conducted in Bogota between 2005 and 2007, based on a variety of sources and methods, are approached with a view on social representations as a group of ideas and practices that are collectively shared and socially generated. Conclusions deal with issues of stratification and socio-spatial segregation, as well as the present configuration of representations about social differences.

Bogota, stratification, social representation, segregation, potable water, utility services, strataBogotá, estratificação, representação social, segregação, água potável, serviços públicos, estratosBogotá, estratificación, representación social, segregación, agua potable, servicios públicos, estratos

How to Cite
Uribe-Mallarino, C. (2008). Social Stratification in Bogota: From Public Politics to the Dynamics of Social Segregation. Universitas Humanística, 65(65). Retrieved from