Published Jun 29, 2018


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Carlos Iván García Suárez

Doris Amparo Parada Rico



The stages of life have both a biological and social nature, and transpire in diverse historical, cultural, social, and political contexts that influence, and in turn, transform them. Regarding adolescence and the connotation included of it in public policies, it is revealed, mainly from the perspective of structuralism, as a prefixed, homogeneous, and immanent stage of age, isolated from the sense and meaning that each subject and social group constructs of itself in time and space. The objective of this review is to analyze the approach and subjectivity that emerges from this notion in public policies aimed at this social group. From the findings, it is evident that from a conception markedly functionalist-structuralist conception, one struggles to legitimize systems and the social hierarchy of ages to establish public interventions that are mostly under an adult-centered outlook.

How to Cite
García Suárez, C. I., & Parada Rico, D. A. (2018). “Construction of adolescence”: a historical and social conception inserted in public policies. Universitas Humanística, (85).
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