Published Dec 1, 2020


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Thais Aparecida Dibbern

Rafael de Brito Dias

Milena Pavan Serafim



This article examines the infrastructure of the “Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program” (PMCMV), a long-running public program dedicated to providing housing to low-income Brazilian families. The article uses concepts and ideas drawn from the body of STS (Science, Technology and Society) literature. Methodologically, constituting itself as an exploratory study, this paper was developed based on a literature review about the proposed case study. As part of the results, this policy represented, for many Brazilians, the first opportunity to have a home of its own. However, in spite of mitigating, to some extent, the existing housing deficit, the infrastructure built under the Program is permeated by sociotechnical imagery, controversies in its formulation and risks inherent to the enterprises and Units. The policy was implemented based on a Top-Down model, where the only actors considered in its formulation and implementation referred to the great entrepreneurs of the construction sector.


Brazil, Programa Minha Vida, análisis sociotécnico, estudios de infraestructura, BrasilPrograma Minha Casa, Minha Vida, análise sociotécnica, estudos de infraestrutura, BrasilMinha Casa, Minha Vida Program, sociotechnical analysis, infrastructure studies, Brazil

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How to Cite
Dibbern, T. A., de Brito Dias, R., & Pavan Serafim, M. (2020). A socio-technical analysis of the infrastructure of the "Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program”. Universitas Humanística, 90.