Published Dec 30, 2023


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Paulo Jorge Riss da Silva



The article presents an analysis of socio-spatial fragmentation in the city of Santa Cruz do Sul/RS – Brazil – and aspects of the Master Plan in light of the current debate on urban space as expressed in the “New Urban Agenda” (UN/Habitat III - 2016). The “Community Ombudsman’s Office” proposal introduces a new approach to understanding the territory through the spatialization of qualitative and quantitative data, with the aim of subsidizing public policies with an emphasis on social inclusion, involving public authorities, civil entities, academia and local communities in a democratic way in understanding and proposing actions, in a strategy that seeks to reverse the deleterious effects of socio-spatial fragmentation and contribute to the exercise of spatial justice. The article is divided into four topics: the first deals with aspects of socio-spatial fragmentation in SCS and the problematization of the Master Plan. The second analyses aspects of the dynamics of urbanization in relation to the New Urban Agenda. Next, guidelines are presented that seek to support a new understanding of the dynamics of urbanization with a focus on participatory inclusion and the Right to the City. Finally, as this is a conceptual proposal, the article has no empirical data. However, it is possible to glimpse the need to broaden knowledge of the territory through the use and democratization of GIS technologies, in order to qualify the technical-legislative framework of management institutions and to promote the incursion of new technologies.


Segregação socioespacial, Plano Diretor, Nova Agenda Urbana, Direito à Cidade, Ouvidorias ComunitáriasSocio-Spatial Fragmentation, Master Plan, New Urban Agenda, Right to the City, Community Ombudsmenfragmentación socioespacial, plan director, nueva agenda urbana, derecho a la ciudad, defensores del pueblo comunitarios

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How to Cite
Riss da Silva, P. J. (2023). Community Ombudsmen: A Proposed Approach to Territorial Management from the Perspective of the New Urban Agenda and the Right to the City Santa Cruz do Sul-RS. Universitas Humanística, 92.