Published Jun 26, 2014

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Rocio Angélico

Violeta Dikenstein

Sabrina Fischberg

Florencia Maffeo


In this paper we intend to address an analysis of the publication of domestic violence and femicide cases, through a survey conducted with four Argentine newspapers during the first half of 2012. We are interested in enquiring who the privileged representatives by the media are when reporting on the phenomenon, in order to distinguish the space of enunciation that the press gives to diverse actors.Through the analysis of the stories of aggressors, family, justice and victims, we intend to observe the diverse positions and the arguments involved and elucidate who have a louder voice in defining and fixing the interpretations of femicide and gender violence. Based on this, we seek to catch a sight of the reduced space women take up in a sea of voices in counterpoint.

Gender Violence, Femicide, Press, Subaltern voicesViolência de gênero, Feminicídio, Prensa, Vocês subalternasViolencia de género, Feminicidio, Prensa, Voces subalternas

How to Cite
Angélico, R., Dikenstein, V., Fischberg, S., & Maffeo, F. (2014). Femicide and gender violence in Argentina press: an analysis of voices, stories and actors. Universitas Humanística, 78(78). Retrieved from
Investigación Joven