A reflection on violence and peacebuilding from theater and art
Jul 1, 2015
This paper is an invitation to think about art and the legacy of violence and injustice in the history of mankind and the efforts from different artistic projects on conflict resolution and the promotion of peace in the world. Some of these experiences are presented and analyzed and it is examined how they have been applied by different disciplines to solve or make progress on some of the problems society faces. It is also important to think about the use of art, theater and creativity as a methodological strategy and as an exercise of participatory research that allows transformative research in the field of violence and teamwork from the affected communities.
violência, arte, teatro, performatividadeviolence, art, theater, performativityViolencia, arte, teatro, actuacion, performatividad
How to Cite
Tovar, P. (2015). A reflection on violence and peacebuilding from theater and art. Universitas Humanística, 80(80). https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.UH80.rvcp
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