Published Apr 15, 2010


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Mariana Bernal Fandiño


This article is one of the products of the research project “Interpretation and Application of Private Law” that has been carried out by the Study Group on Private Law in the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. In this text we intend to prove that the actos propios doctrine is a useful tool of contractual interpretation. The figure has barely been studied in Colombia that is the reason why we start by explaining the notion of that doctrine in particular as a derivation of the good faith principle given its binding force and interpretation function. Then, the article analyses the application requirements of the figure and finally it describes its limits, essential subjects to an adequate use of the doctrine during the interpretative process of the contracts.

Civil law, Law, Interpretation and Construction, Proper Acts, actos propios, good faith, contractual interpretationDerecho civil, interpretación del derecho, actos propios, buena fe, interpretación contractual

How to Cite
Bernal Fandiño, M. (2010). THE DOCTRINE OF SEL F ACTS AND THE INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS. Vniversitas, 59(120), 253–270.